In this article, we'll walk you through the steps to get set up and start using RemoteMix. RemoteMix is able to connect to a variety of digital audio mixers. Below are all the brands we currently support with RemoteMix. For more info on which models RemoteMix can connect to, click here.
For the best RemoteMix experience, we recommend using Google Chrome.
Only the account owner can connect your mixer for the first time. You can verify that you are the owner by going to the Settings menu inside your account. If you are the account owner, it should say so under Role.
If you are unsure who the owner of your account is, reach out to [email protected] or in the chat, and they can let you know.
You can connect your mixer one of two ways: With a BoxCast Spark Encoder, or by downloading the Remote Mix Software Agent onto a computer that is on the same network as your audio mixer. Instructions for both are below:
Connect with BoxCast Spark Encoder
First, make sure your BoxCast Spark is powered on and connected to the internet. Although this can be done over Wi-Fi, we recommend an ethernet connection for the best results. Make sure your audio mixer is also connected to that same network.
Log into your BoxCast Dashboard and click on the bento box in the top left corner.
Select RemoteMix to be taken to the RemoteMix Dashboard.
Click Create Connection and under RemoteMix Agent, select your Spark. Choose your audio mixer under Mixer Brand. Once those are chosen, click Search Network.
RemoteMix will search your network to connect the two devices. Once it finds your network, select it and click Connect.
If your mixer doesn't show up right away, you can manually connect via your mixer’s IP address. If you have trouble with either your mixer or Spark showing up, use this article to troubleshoot.
Next, name your connection and choose whether you'd like to create a PIN for added security. This connection will be saved and will be visible to any users of your account in RemoteMix, so make sure you choose a name that will make sense to all expected users of RemoteMix, especially if you plan to set up multiple connections.
Select a mode for your audio mixer. You have two options:
Stream Dedicated Mixer (All Access): This allows access to all mix targets (mains, buses/auxes, and matrix mixes) and is usually the best option if you have a separate mixer dedicated to your live stream.
Shared Mixer (Restricted): This allows you to select one mix target (main, bus/aux, or matrix) for the user to mix. This is usually the best option if you are using the same mixer to mix both your in house audio and your live stream. If you choose this option, then you'll select which mix target you'd like to allow access to in the dropdown menu that appears below.
See this article for more information about the two RemoteMixing modes.
Once you're done, select Create Connection.
Now that your mixer is connected, you can control your mixer remotely.
Connect with RemoteMix Software Agent
The RemoteMix Software Agent is a powerful tool that allows you to connect your mixer to the RemoteMix Dashboard. Once installed and set up, the Software Agent will run quietly in the background on your computer. Here's how to set it up.
To ensure a seamless setup, first confirm that both your mixer and computer are connected to the same network. Then, connect your video and audio sources to the computer using a capture card or a device such as the ATEM Mini. This configuration enables you to preview both audio and video on the designated RemoteMix computer located offsite.
First, you'll need to download the Software Agent to your computer. You can find the link in the RemoteMix Dashboard when you log in. If you need help figuring out what kind of Mac computer you have, we have an article for that here.
Once it's downloaded, you will open the Software Agent, name it, and select your audio and video source.
When you are done, click Authorize Access. This will redirect you to the RemoteMix Dashboard.
Once it's pulled your authorization info (you may need to log into your account), be sure to click back into the Software Agent to make sure the process is complete.
Once that's done, you can open the RemoteMix Dashboard.
Under RemoteMix Agent, select your Software Agent. Choose your audio mixer under Mixer Brand. Once those are chosen, click Search Network.
RemoteMix will search your network to connect the two devices. Once it finds your network, select it and click Connect.
If your mixer doesn't show up right away, you can manually connect via your mixer’s IP address. If you have trouble with either your mixer or Software Agent showing up, use this article to troubleshoot.
Next, name your connection and choose whether you'd like to create a PIN for added security. This connection will be saved and will be visible to any users of your account in RemoteMix, so make sure you choose a name that will make sense to all expected users of RemoteMix, especially if you plan to set up multiple connections.
Select a mode for your audio mixer. You have two options:
Stream Dedicated Mixer (All Access): This allows access to all mix targets (mains, buses/auxes, and matrix mixes) and is usually the best option if you have a separate mixer dedicated to your live stream.
Shared Mixer (Restricted): This allows you to select one mix target (main, bus/aux, or matrix) for the user to mix. This is usually the best option if you are using the same mixer to mix both your in house audio and your live stream. If you choose this option, then you'll select which mix target you'd like to allow access to in the dropdown menu that appears below.
See this article for more information about the two RemoteMixing modes.
Hit the Connect button, and you'll be able to see the Mixer view, and control your mixer remotely!
To learn about everything you can do inside the Dashboard, click here.
For additional support on RemoteMix, reach out to our technical support team at [email protected], through the chat, or check out our other support articles.